Lev Fomchenkov
Founder and CEO at CosmicNootropic
In 2007, I embarked on a journey into the world of nootropics, discovering their potential to enhance learning abilities. This led to the creation of CosmicNootropic, an online shop offering these transformative products globally. Challenges tested us, but with support from loyal customers, we grew stronger. With 10+ years of pharmacology experience and a passion for responsible nootropic use, I advocate for well-being. Currently in Kazakhstan with my wife, eagerly awaiting our baby girl’s arrival into this world, I invite you to join our cosmic journey. But before that, I want to introduce you to my cosmic team. They all are scattered around the globe but united by CosmicNootropic.

Alina Bikmullina
Chief Marketing Officer
Alina is responsible for building bridges with influencers, designing and implementing marketing strategy.

Andrey Pushkarev
Chief Operations Officer and Partner
Andrey oversees main processes at CosmicNootropic and is responsible for IT development, HR planning and financial planning.

Julia Gladd
Public Relations Officer and Content Manager
Julia is a professional editor who creates amazing content and publishes articles. She also provides consulting for Lev with regard to social networks and in meetings with contractors.

Kseniya Ovchinnikova
Head of Customer Support
Kseniya is responsible for overseeing customer support and providing top-notch client experience.