Immune Stimulants

Our immune system is our natural shield against all dangers inside and outside our body. But unfortunately, in the modern fast-paced world full of stress and everyday challenges our immune system might become weaker. This may result in frequent illnesses, overall feeling of tiredness, lack of motivation and other symptoms attributed to a weakened organism. To boost you natural defenses you can buy immune stimulants from our store. These products are used for the following purposes: to normalize the immune system and prevent frequent illnesses and overall feeling of tiredness as well as other symptoms attributed to a weakened organism; to accelerate the recovery process during illnesses.Not sure which immune stimulants to buy?

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Category: Immune Stimulants



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Buy Thymogen



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Thymogen® is a peptide immunomodulator containing chemically synthesised dipeptide Glu-Trp (glutamyl-tryptophan). It is equal to a natural compound of thymus extract. Thymogen is a versatile preparation that has the following dosage forms: ampoules, spray, and cream. The spray form is used in lung diseases. The injections are used in viral and bacterial infections accompanied by weakened immunity. The cream form is used in dermatology. It is successfully used in clinical practice since 1990.


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Imunofan® is a unique preparation of the USSR pharmacology. It was developed in the 1990s for the prevention of stressful conditions and rehabilitation of the military. Imunofan helps to restore the balance of the redox system. It regulates the parameters of the immune system towards its normalization and augments the efficacy of the basic therapy in a wide range of pathologies.


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AZOXIMER BROMIDE (Polyoxidonium ®)


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Buy Azoximer Bromide

AZOXIMER BROMIDE (Polyoxidonium ®)


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Azoximer Bromide (Polyoxidonium®) is a medicine intended for stimulating the immune system. Its active ingredient is azoximer bromide. Polyoxidonium is one of Top 200 medicines in Russia and it is included in the Russian list of vital and essential drugs. It also has detoxifying and antioxidant properties. It can also be combined with standard therapy. Fast US domestic shipping is available.

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ROYAL JELLY (Apilak ®)


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Royal Jelly (Apilak®) is a honey bee secretion from the glands in the hypopharynx of nurse bees. It contains a wide range of important vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12, H, folate and inositol), minerals (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe and P), trace elements (Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, S, Si, Ni, Cr, As and Bi) and amino acids. Apilak activates the immune system in the recovery after illnesses, improves metabolism and the function of nervous and endocrine systems.

30 pills x 10 mg
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Buy Trekrezan



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Trekresan® (or Trekrezan) is an immunomodulating drug having pronounced adaptogenic properties. Its active ingredient is oxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate similar in structure to the human and plant molecules choline, lecithin and indole-3-acetic acid. The effect of the substance is close to herbal and natural adaptogens. Fast US domestic shipping is available.

10 pills x 0.2 g
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Licopid® (or Lycopid) is an immunomodulator containing a complete synthetic analogue of natural GMDP or glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide. Once in the body, Lycopid mimics the natural process of detecting fragments of peptidoglycan bacteria. Thus, the effect of the drug is as close as possible to the process of natural immunoregulation.

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Ingaron® belongs to a gamma class of interferons. It is the first and only Russian interferon-gamma medication at this point. Unlike other interferons, interferon-gamma has a combined effect: broad-spectrum antiviral (more than 200 viruses) and immunomodulating activity. The convenient form of administration (nasal) and storage makes Ingaron optimal for use.

1 vial x 100 000 IU
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TAXIFOLIN ® (Dihydroquercetin)


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Taxifolin (Dihydroquercetin ®) is a natural bioflavonoid. It is obtained from processed Siberian larch bark. Taxifolin has high bioefficiency and powerful antioxidant properties. Taxifolin is included in many dietary supplements prescribed for the prevention of diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular dysfunction, and cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertension, coronary heart disease and heart failure.


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S-Adenosyl Methionine (HEPTOR ®)


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buy S-Adenosyl methionine

S-Adenosyl Methionine (HEPTOR ®)


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Heptor® is a drug based on ademetionine (S-Adenosyl methionine), which is currently considered one of the most powerful hepatoprotectors. Besides, ademetionine also has anti-inflammatory, painkiller and antidepressant effects. Heptor can relieve pain and stimulate tissue regeneration in patients with osteoarthritis. It is used to reduce withdrawal symptoms in patients with opioid addiction. Fast US domestic shipping is available.

20 pills x 400 mg
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VETOM ® (Bacillus Subtilis Probiotics)


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Vetom® is the brand name of the unique probiotic products manufactured by the Issledovatelsky Tsentr Research Company. They come in several forms: creams, sprays and capsules. They are intended for different applications. The main effect is immune system reinforcement. Bacteries of genus Bacillus are used as an active ingredient of Vetom medicinical products. These bacteria have an ability to suppress growth and development of pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria.

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Phosphogliv Forte® is a combination drug that exhibits membrane-stabilizing, antiviral and hepatoprotective effects. Two main elements of the drug are Phospholipids and Glycyrrhizic acid. The hepatoprotective activity of Phosphogliv Forte is based on the replenishment of damaged membrane of liver cells by phospholipids. The drug demonstrates hepatoprotective properties due to antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effects.


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